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[1]第七届湖北省教育厅教学成果三等奖  (排名第一,2012年)






       [1] 本科生课程:营销管理与策划,物流管理学,营销渠道管理

       [2] 研究生课程:高级营销管理,物流与供应链管理,营销渠道管理


    [1] 湖北省政府,引入卓越绩效管理模式建设服务型机关,3.00万元,2015.04-2015.12

    [2] 湖北省社科基金,湖北省简政放权与深化行政审批制度改革研究基于武汉、襄阳、宜昌改革,2.00万元,2014-2015

    [3]  一般纵向:社会责任视角下的农产品冷链物流脆弱性及补救机制研究,0.5万元,2013-2014

    [4]  武汉市商务局,武汉市医药物流行业发展现状、问题与对策,2.00万元,2013.01-2013.12

    [5]  湖北省其他厅局,武汉市药品流通行业发展规划,7.00万元,2011.01-2011.12

    [6]  一般纵向:湖北农业物流园区规划及实施研究,1.00万元,2010.01-2010.12

    [7]  一般纵向:湖北省农副产品冷链物流体系构建研究,0.5万元,2010.01-2010.12

    [8]  横向:湖北天河机场临空经济区物流产业发展研究,18.00万元,2016-2017

    [9]  横向:基于B/S结构的企业物资管理一体化研究,78.00万元,2014-2016

    [10] 横向:中交集团物资集中采购平台建设规划及实施方案,63.00万元,2012-2013

    [11] 横向:随州钢铁物流园项目可行性研究及实施方案,20.00万元,2012

    [12] 横向:湖北十堰六里坪粮食综合物流园项目规划及实施方案,10.00万元,2012

    [13] 横向:国家粮食现代物流(武汉)基地发展战略规划及实施方案,18.00万元,2012

    [14] 横向:集采的远程控制与结算支付信息化研究,5.00万元,2011-2012

    [15] 横向:四方物流公司十二五发展战略规划,8.00万元,2011

    [16] 横向:武汉交通物流公共信息平台可行性研究,7.00万元,2011

    [17] 横向:万和铝业营销管理优化方案设计,10.00万元,2010-2011


[1] 刘明菲,张银霞,程斌武.城市洪涝灾害应急物流能力演化研究.best365体育app学报(社会科学版),2017,30(05): 1-7.

[2] 刘明菲,岳德洋,张欢.基于群体灰色层次模糊法的农产品冷链物流脆弱性评价研究.安全与环境工程,2017,24(03): 114-119

[3] 刘明菲,赵静静.区域物流能力对商品流通格局影响的实证研究.best365体育app学报(信息与管理工程版),2012,Vol34(01): 107-111

[4] 刘明菲,赵静静.顾客资源管理能力与企业脆弱性关联分析.华中农业大学学报(社会科学版),2010(01): 94-98

[5] 李惟盛,刘明菲.混合式教学改革对大学生学习满意度影响的实证研究.人力资源管理,2017(05): 223-224

[6] 刘明菲,郝治国,李立冬,李玉婷.移动课堂嵌入营销专业课对学生创新实践能力提升的研究.人力资源管理,2015(08): 191

[7] 李田甜,刘明菲.图书馆自助服务技术条件下的读者满意度实证研究.科技创业月刊,2014,27(03): 162-164

[8] 胡悦,刘明菲.商贸物流业服务能力区域差异性的研究.科技创业月刊,2014,27(06): 44-46

[9] 刘明菲,李玉婷,向宏耀.移动课堂嵌入视角的校企合作营销创新人才培养模式研究.人力资源管理,2014,(12): 135-136

[10] 刘明菲,周梦华.农业物流园服务能力的区域差异性与模式选择.华中农业大学学报(社会科学版),20116):22-23被中国人民大学书报资料复印报刊资料  F14《物流管理.201202)全文转载)

[11] 王艳,刘明菲.试论社会化媒体下的云营销.商业时代,2013,(20): 32-33  

[12] 刘明菲,赵静静,陶君成.基于市场导向的湖北省农副产品冷链物流服务体系构建.交通企业管理,2011,26(01): 49-51

[13]Zhang Yinxia; Liu Mingfei; Chen Bingxue.An Empirical Study of Regional Differences of Express Logistics Services Capabilities.13th International Conference on Innovation and Management.NOV 28-30, 2016.

[14]Liu Mingfei; Sun Qian.An Empirical Research on the Effect of Emotion on Consumers' Repurchase Intention under the Service Recovery Situation.13th International Conference on Innovation and Management. Nov. 28-30, 2016 .

[15]Liu Mingfei; Zhang Huan; Hu Yue.An Empirical Study on Regional Differences of Electronic Banking Service Capability.12th International Conference on Innovation and Management .NOV 20-22, 2015 .

[16]Li Yuting; Liu Mingfei; Pan Li. Research on the Risk Management and Control of Mode Change of Marketing Channel: A Case Study of Suning Commerce.11th International Conference on Innovation and Management. Nov 17-19, 2014 .

[17]Liu Mingfei; Pan Li; Zeng Weiwei.The Comprehensive Evaluation on the Development Level of Regional Logistics.10th International Conference on Innovation and Management. Dec. 02-04, 2013 .

[18]Liu Mingfei; Li Jun; Gong Yue. Research on Assessment of Agricultural Products Cold Chain Logistics Vulnerability from the Perspective of Social Responsibility.9th International Conference on Innovation and Management .NOV 14-16, 2012 .

[19]  Matilda Zainab Kamara,Liu MingfeiAn Empirical Study on the Most Effective Medium for Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Sierra LeoneProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Innovation & ManagementNov30, 2011

[20] Liu Mingfei; Ma Jun; Li JunThe Evaluation on the Capacity of Agriculture Logistics Service in Hubei Province Based on PCA and Cluster AnalysisProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Innovation & ManagementNov30, 2011

[21]  Shen Lu; Liu Mingfei. An Empirical Study on Customer Satisfaction with Personal Business in Commercial Bank. Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Innovation and Management. December 4, 2010.

[22]  Matilda Zainab Kamara; Liu MingfeiStudy on Implementation of Goods and Service Tax:  Lessons from Sierra LeoneProceedings of the 7th International Conference on Innovation & ManagementDecember 4, 2010.

[23]  Liu Mingfei; Lei Yin; Xie JialongAn Empirical Study of Logistics Vulnerability Causes of Urban Appliance Based on SEMProceedings of the 7th International Conference on Innovation & ManagementDecember 4, 2010.

[24]  Liu Mingfei; Wang Qiong; Qin Yuanjian.Study on the Forming Mechanism of the Logistics Service Delivery Capability Based on Customer Equity.International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management.JAN 09-10, 2010.

[25] Liu Mingfei; Xu Yujuan.Key Influencing Factors Analysis of Trade Logistics Vulnerability Based on Principal Component Analysis.5th International Conference on Product Innovation Management.JUL 09-11, 2010 .

[26]  Li Xiaoyu;Liu Mingfei; Yu Yanling.Empirical Study on Luxury Cosmetics Purchase Feature of College Girls Based on Cluster Analysis.5th International Conference on Product Innovation Management .JUL 09-11, 2010.


       [1] 刘明菲、王槐林,物流管理,科学出版社,2008

[2] 王槐林、刘明菲,物流管理学(第三版),武汉大学出版社,2008


       [2] best365体育app教学成果一等奖 (排名第一,2016年)

[3] best365体育app教学成果一等奖 (排名第一,2012年)




[7] best365体育app优秀党员(2016年)

