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李 游

发布时间:2024-04-03    字体:[增加 减小]    打印本文    打印网页   






[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,顾客对人工智能产品算法厌恶的形成机理与应对策略研究(NO. 72102082),执行期:2022-012023-12

[2] 中国博士后面上项目,基于BOPS购物的全渠道整合策略研究(NO. 2020M672364),执行期:2021年至2022


[1] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,智慧营销与治理的理论与实践研究(NO. 72232003),执行期:2023-012027-12

[2] 国家自然科学基金国际合作重点项目,全渠道营销的理论与实践研究(NO.71720107004),执行期:2018-012022-12

[3]  国家自然科学基金面上项目,社交信息流广告的原生性对顾客品牌投入度的影响机理研究(NO. 71972078),执行期:2020-012023-12


[1] Chang Yaping, Li You*, Yan Jun, & Kumar, V. (2019). Getting more likes: The impact of narrative person and brand image on customer–brand interactions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(6), 1027-1045. (FT50, ABS4*, JCR Q1)

[2] 李游, 梁哲浩* & 常亚平 (2022).用户对人工智能产品的算法厌恶研究述评与展望. 管理学报.

[3] Li You, Chang Yaping*, & Liang Zhehao. (2022). Attracting more meaningful interactions: The impact of question and product types on comments on social media advertisings. Journal of Business Research, 150, 89-101. (ABS3, JCR Q1)

[4] Li You, Geng Lixiao*, Chang Yaping, & Ni Peng. (2023). Research online and purchase offline: The disruptive impact of consumers’ online information on offline sales interaction. Psychology & Marketing 40(12), 2642-2652. (ABS3, JCR Q1)

[5] Li You, Liang Zhehao*, Wang Yawei, & Chang Yaping. (2023). The Negative Effect of Service Robots’ Affective on Human-likeness on Consumer Satisfaction in Frontline Service Encounters. International Journal of Hospitality Management 115, 103603. (ABS3, JCR Q1)

[6] Li You, Chang Yaping*, Li Zhen, & Geng Lixiao. (2024). The Value of Psychological Ownership: How Buy-Online-and-Pick-up-in-Store Enhances Consumer loyalty.  European Journal of Marketing 58(1). (ABS3, JCR Q3)

[7] Li You, Li Yi*, Chen Qian & Chang Yaping (2024). Humans as Teammates: The Signal of Human-AI Teaming Enhances Consumer Acceptance of Chatbots. International Journal of Information Management , 76, 102771. (ABS2, JCR Q1)