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[1] 本科:采购管理,应急物流系统决策方法等

[2] 硕士:operations management


[1] 向:重大突发公共卫生事件下的医疗物资转扩产动员机制与产能决策,国家自然科学基金项目,2022-2024

[2] 纵向:一带一路背景下中欧班列货运定价与政府补贴优化研究,教育部人文社科项目,2020-2022

[3] 纵向:基于数据挖掘的道路交通事故特征分析与预警机制设计,湖北省自然科学基金,2020-2022

[4] 纵向:基于对分理念的《应急物流系统决策方法》线上混合教学模式研究,教育部产学协同项目,2021-2022

[5] 横向:湖北省防汛演练项目,湖北省应急管理厅,2021

[6] 横向:化工产品安全运输预警机制设计,2021


[1] 杜丽敬, 夏翔, 应焕钦, 祁超, 王红卫*. 重大突发公共卫生事件下的医疗物资供应问题及对策. 中国科学基金, 2020, 34(06): 683-692

[2] Haijun Wang, Lijing Du*, Shihua Ma. Multi-objective open location-routing model with split delivery for optimized relief distribution in post-earthquake, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 69.2014,69: 160-179(高被引)

[3] Shuqi Yin, Du Lijing1* , et al. Effects of social factors on the COVID-19 cases and its evolution in Hubei,Chian[J]. Frontiers in Public Health, 2023, DOI 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1124541.

[4] Du Lijing , Li Xiaohuan,  Gan Yuan , et al. Optimal Model and Algorithm of Medical Materials Delivery Drone Routing Problem under Major Public Health Emergencies[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(8):1-17.

[5] Zhong Weifan , Du Lijing*. Predicting Traffic Causalities Using Support Vector Machines with Heuristic Algorithms: A Study Based on Collision Data of Urban Roads [J]. Sustainability, 2023, 15(4):2944.

[6] Shi Ruizhe, Du Lijing*. Multi-Section Traffic Flow Prediction Based on MLR-LSTM Neural Network. Sensors 2022, 22, 7517. https://doi.org/10.3390/ s22197517(SCI三区)

[7] 杜丽敬, 杨成令, 梁苗, 尹思杨. 中国应急物流发展现状与对策. 中国应急管理蓝皮书, 2018.

[8] 杜丽敬,李延晖.选址-库存-路径问题模型及其集成优化算法.运筹与管理. 2014, 23(4): 70-79 (自科基金委管理学部A级期刊)

[9] 王海军,杜丽敬, 马士华. 震后应急物流系统中双目标开放式选址-路径问题模型与算法研究. 管理工程学报. 2016, 30(2), 108-115.

[9] 王海军,杜丽敬,蝴蝶,王婧.不确定条件下的应急物资配送选址-路径问题.系统管理学报. 2015,24(6) :828-834

[10] 王海军,王婧,马士华,杜丽敬.模糊供求条件下应急物资动态调度决策.中国管理科学. 2014, 22(1): 55-64

[11] ~,葛艳,杜丽敬*,吕伟. 考虑车辆等待时间的应急物资调配方案优化研究.控制与决策. 2019, 34(10): 2229-2236.

[12] ~,葛艳,杜丽敬*,吕伟. 考虑灾民心理的应急设施选址配送问题研究.灾害学. 2019, 34(10): 187-193.

[13] ~,宁晶婧,杜丽敬*. 震后初期应急物流公私协同的动态LAP模型.中国安全科学学报. 2018,28 (3):1003-1033


[1] 杜丽敬, 基于疫情演变的医疗物资转扩产激励政策设计.2022年中国系统工程学会应急管理系统工程专业委员会第六届学术年会,南京, 9 8-9, 2022127 

[2]Lijing Du, Te Ke, Xiaohuan Li, Shengtao Liu. Current Situation and Countermeasures of Medical Materials Transformation and Expansion under Major Public Health Emergencies. The Fifth International Conference of Artificial Intelligence, Medical Engineering, Education (AIMEE2021). 2021101-3. Moscow, Russia.

[3]Xiaohuan Li, Lijing Du*. Review on the optimization of medical supplies distribution under major public health emergencies[C]. 2021 International Conference on Mechanics and Civil, Hydraulic Engineering. 2021, Kunming, China.

[4]Weifan Zhong, Jie Yuan, Yue Ren, Lijing Du*. Characterization of urban road traffic accidents based on data mining[C]. ICDPA 2022-The 8th International Conference on Data Processing and Applications, Xia Men, China, June 24-27, 2022

[5] Lijing Du, Competition and Cooperation in Sea-Rail Freight Transportation with Intermodal Service under Government Subsidies.2019年第十五届物流系统工程暨第三届管理系统工程学术研讨会,安徽马鞍山, 中国, 9 8-9, 2019. 

[6] Siyang Yin, Lijing Du*, Yinfeng Xia and Zheng Ye. Review on Models and Algorithms of Post-Disaster Distribution Problem. 4th Annual International Conference on Information System and Artificial Intelligence, 长沙, 湖南. 517-18, 2019.

[7]Liang Miao, Du Lijing, Xu Yimin, Yin Siyang, Methods and Theories of Psychological Factors in Emergency Logistics in Post-disaster: A Brief Review of Literatures Until 2018. 第十五届创新与管理国际学术会议, 日本山口大学. 1127-1129, 2018.

[8]Yang Chengling, Du Lijing, Yin Siyang, Liang Miao. Literature Review of Research on Vehicle Routing Problems of Emergency Supplies Distribution. 第十五届创新与管理国际学术会议, 日本山口大学. 1127-1129, 2018.

[9]Lijing Du, Dynamic relief distribution location and routing problem with fairness in post-disaster. POM 2016-The 26th Aannual Conference, Production and operations Management Society, Orlando, FL U.S.A. May 6-9, 2016.

[10]Lijing Du, Haijun Wang, Multi-objective location and routing problem for optimized post-disaster relief distribution. POM 2013-The 24th Aannual Conference, Production and operations Management Society, 丹佛, 美国. 53-6, 2013

[11]Lijing Du, Haijun Wang, Model and Algorithms for Optimized Post-disaster Relief Distribution. The 4th POMS-HK International Conference (POMSHK’O4), 香港, 1 1-3, 2013.


[1] 杜丽敬. 采购与供应管理(译著,Purchase and Supply Management, Johnson, P. Fraser; Leenders, Michiel R.; Flynn, Anna E. .机械工业出版社, 20202月份出版,ISBN:9787111636946.

[2] 王海军,杜丽敬.供应链管理.清华大学出版社, 20212月份出版,ISBN:9787111636946.

[3] 王海军, 王婧, 杜丽敬. 应急物资筹集与调配. 科学出版社, 2014. ISBN: 9787030393999 








